Help For Night Sweats

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Excessive Sweating While Sleeping

If you, or someone you know, frequently experience excessive sweating while sleeping, it’s important that you learn more about the causes of this uncomfortable ailment. In this guide we’ll cover the following topics: the different types of night sweats, some possible causes, and when to consult with a physician. By the end of this article you’ll be better prepared to cope with the situation.

Night sweats, or hyperhidrosis, are categorized into two different types, primary and secondary. Secondary hyperhidrosis is a symptom of some other cause. Primary hyperhidrosis happens by itself without any other underlying cause. It’s important to determine which type you are experiencing, since some reasons are not serious, while others can be very serious.

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Sleep Hyperhidrosis

With some research you will discover two types of hyperhidrosis, primary hyperhidrosis and secondary hyperhidrosis. Medical science has not discovered the cause of primary night sweats. It is so severe it impairs a person’s ability to engage in daily activities such as work, school, family and social affairs.

The degree of severity for secondary sleep hyperhidrosis varies from person to person. In mild cases, the patient just needs to change the pillow case and keep a glass of cool water on the nightstand.

Some patients need to get up and wash themselves, then change their sleepwear as well as their bedsheets. Discovery and treatment of the underlying disease or injury is the only way to cure secondary night sweats. If the night sweats get to the point where the sleep loss interferes with daily functions, a visit to the doctor’s office is required.

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Cold Night Sweats

There are a few possible causes of cold sweats at night. Anxiety, fear or stress can cause cold night sweats, as well as pain from injuries or medical problems (heart attack), severe shortness of breath or low blood glucose levels (hypoglycemia). Having a nightmare can also cause this symptom. In most cases they aren’t caused by a serious medical condition but because they can be a sign of something more serious, even a heart attack, it is important to pay attention to them, and to notice if you are experiencing any other symptoms along with the sweating.

The reason they are called cold sweats is because the hypothalamus – our body’s internal thermostat — uses perspiration with other biological mechanisms to help cool the body when it feels it is overheated. Because body temperature drops while you are sweating, you may feel chills during or after sweating. Sometimes internal or external variables can confuse the hypothalamus causing it to trigger those biological mechanisms that cause sudden sweating even when it isn’t really necessary.

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Causes of Excessive Sweating

The causes of excessive sweating vary wildly, but you’ll always find one thing in common: they all have a trigger. With a little research, I discovered how the various causes of excessive sweating are often related to each other. Unfortunately, you may find many of the triggers of excessive sweating difficult to manage, which compounds the challenge for physicians attempting to help their patients.

I hope my list will provide a sound foundation for your research into this uncomfortable and frustrating physical phenomenon, but I encourage you to study further as well.

Adolescents are inclined to perspire a good deal. The reason might be psychological, because they’re confronting changes in their bodies and are being exposed to things which inaugurate them to adulthood. Simply put, teens in their pubescence stages tend to be more sweaty than those who are older or younger.

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Night Sweats: News About Help For Night Sweats

My Night Sweats guide will soon be expanding and growing. I’ve received lots of great feedback from readers and fellow bloggers on what they would love to see on my site. Specifically, I’ve heard appeals for more solutions and fewer descriptions. In that regard, I plan to describe exactly how I personally combat night sweats, then I will describe methods close friends have used.

I’ve also received some great ideas from people writing me on this site. I will present some of those techniques and ideas once I have the approval of those who submitted the ideas to me. I can’t wait to share some of these because I would never have considered some of these techniques on my own.

You’ll notice some of my more comprehensive guides to relieving your night sweats are temporarily unavailable. I am revising those posts to include both the new methods I described above and to feature more compelling layouts with some images and videos illustrating various aspects of identifying and treating sleep hyperhidrosis (for those of you new to the site that’s fancy-talk for night sweats).

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