Help For Night Sweats

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Night Sweats In Men

While menopause symptoms have been covered extensively because so many women experience this phenomenon, we shouldn’t ignore night sweats in men as this is a fairly common problem for men as well. There are a number of reasons why the sweating men experience is difficult to pinpoint, some of them universal and some specific to men.

The first cause of night sweats in men we’ll discuss is andropause. Yes, andropause. It does exist. Well, at least more and more people are beginning to think so. Just as women experience a reduction in their production of certain hormones during menopause, many feel that men experience a reduction in testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone during an andropause phase.

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Night Sweats In Women

Because night sweats in women can be the result of many things besides menopause, a woman of any age should consider some basic common sense solutions first. Outside of menopause, most other cases of night sweats in women only happen every once in a while, and the majority of these episodes are harmless. However it is important to understand that this can be a symptom of a medical condition.

After you address the basics, you may need to develop an understanding for how different conditions may cause your hypothalamus (a gland in your brain that acts like your internal thermostat) to run amok so you can find an effective solution. Waking up with soaking wet covers and pajamas can be pretty discouraging, so finding relief from symptoms is important. Here are some ways to control excess sweating while sleeping.

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What Causes Night Sweats

While night sweats in men and in women may have different causes, ultimately this condition affects your ability to live a healthy life with full physical and mental capability. So don’t underestimate the importance of finding the origin of this problem as well as the importance of proactively seeking an appropriate treatment so you can find some relief and start sleeping better again.

Discover the most common night sweats causes as well as those subtle triggers that you may not expect.

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Night Sweats In Children

Children tend to sweat more at night when they are in a deep sleep, which is a higher percentage of the night for them. Since their bodies aren’t fully developed or mature yet their temperature regulation and sweat glands aren’t the same as adults. Add that to a heavy pair of pajamas, a warm room or too many blankets and you the chances of sweating while sleeping are even greater.

If you adjust the environmental factors but your child is still sweating excessively at night or if you notice any other symptoms along with this it is important to check with your pediatrician to make sure there isn’t another issue that needs to be addressed. In most cases night sweats in children isn’t something to be too concerned about, but you should still monitor the frequency and severity of the sweating. While there are many harmless causes, this can also be a sign of a medical condition.

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