Help For Night Sweats

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Heart Disease and Menopause Symptoms

Dawn Klingensmith recently wrote an interesting article for regarding the relationship between menopause and heart disease. This is relevant because if you’re suffering from menopause night sweats you should really consider discussing this revelation with your physician.

Help For Menopause Night Sweats

Welcome back to Help For Night Sweats. While I’ve had a busy summer, I haven’t been idle with this site. I really hope my additions help you combat these frustrating sweats.

I just rolled out my first article to address menopause night sweats. I’m working with a close friend at the local natural pharmacy on a guide to herbal and homeopathic remedies for night sweats. I appreciate how some people might be skeptical about these solutions, but please recognize how I’m only providing other possible options to explore in your quest to get a better and more comfortable night of sleep.

Help For Night Sweats Debuts

Welcome to my new website, Help For Night Sweats! With this site and blog I will discuss a condition I fought for years before I could obtain a good night’s rest: sleep hyperhidrosis. But we’ll keep it casual and refer to it by its more common name, night sweats.

I will begin by identifying the most common causes of night sweats, including menopause, and specific triggers for night sweats in men. I currently have those pages and an overview completed on the front page.

I will then discuss more serious causes which might afflict anyone. This includes some conditions which