Help For Night Sweats

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Night Sweats In Men

While menopause symptoms have been covered extensively because so many women experience this phenomenon, we shouldn’t ignore night sweats in men as this is a fairly common problem for men as well. There are a number of reasons why the sweating men experience is difficult to pinpoint, some of them universal and some specific to men.

The first cause of night sweats in men we’ll discuss is andropause. Yes, andropause. It does exist. Well, at least more and more people are beginning to think so. Just as women experience a reduction in their production of certain hormones during menopause, many feel that men experience a reduction in testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone during an andropause phase.

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Causes of Excessive Sweating

The causes of excessive sweating vary wildly, but you’ll always find one thing in common: they all have a trigger. With a little research, I discovered how the various causes of excessive sweating are often related to each other. Unfortunately, you may find many of the triggers of excessive sweating difficult to manage, which compounds the challenge for physicians attempting to help their patients.

I hope my list will provide a sound foundation for your research into this uncomfortable and frustrating physical phenomenon, but I encourage you to study further as well.

Adolescents are inclined to perspire a good deal. The reason might be psychological, because they’re confronting changes in their bodies and are being exposed to things which inaugurate them to adulthood. Simply put, teens in their pubescence stages tend to be more sweaty than those who are older or younger.

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