Help For Night Sweats

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Night Sweats In Men

While menopause symptoms have been covered extensively because so many women experience this phenomenon, we shouldn’t ignore night sweats in men as this is a fairly common problem for men as well. There are a number of reasons why the sweating men experience is difficult to pinpoint, some of them universal and some specific to men.

The first cause of night sweats in men we’ll discuss is andropause. Yes, andropause. It does exist. Well, at least more and more people are beginning to think so. Just as women experience a reduction in their production of certain hormones during menopause, many feel that men experience a reduction in testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone during an andropause phase.

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Night Sweats In Women

Because night sweats in women can be the result of many things besides menopause, a woman of any age should consider some basic common sense solutions first. Outside of menopause, most other cases of night sweats in women only happen every once in a while, and the majority of these episodes are harmless. However it is important to understand that this can be a symptom of a medical condition.

After you address the basics, you may need to develop an understanding for how different conditions may cause your hypothalamus (a gland in your brain that acts like your internal thermostat) to run amok so you can find an effective solution. Waking up with soaking wet covers and pajamas can be pretty discouraging, so finding relief from symptoms is important. Here are some ways to control excess sweating while sleeping.

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Night Sweats And Alcohol

In some cases the night sweats alcohol causes may be a minor occurrence. You have a couple glasses of beer or wine and go to sleep before you can work it out of your system. But I worry that in many cases where this occurs there is more to the story. Alcoholism is serious and often underestimated.

Some suggest the sweating is simply your body attempting to eliminate the toxins through your pores while others belief the alcohol may be causing your hypothalamus — your brain’s thermostat for your body — to feel a little drunk in its own right. Physiologically a chain reaction of events is triggered within the body after alcohol consumption. Understanding this chain of events may make you think differently about overdoing it too often.

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Sleep Anxiety

Sleep anxiety is a possible outcome for anyone who suffers from any type of anxiety disorder or depression. It goes beyond having a night or two of restlessness or lack of sleep. Sleep anxiety means regularly being so restless that you can’t sleep at all or waking up in the middle of the night in a full sweat feeling a sense of panic.

A sleep anxiety disorder is usually brought on by an existing anxiety disorder and because it interferes with normal sleep patterns it can cause a host of other problems. Without a normal sleep pattern, mental, physical, and emotional health can be affected.

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Sweating While Sleeping

The sensation of sweating while sleeping can seem pretty similar to experiencing night sweats, but the term night sweats usually comes with the thought of menopause or sweating caused by a health condition. In most cases people who experience sweating while sleeping don’t have a health condition, but this isn’t always the case.

If a condition like this is keeping you awake night after night it is good to check with your doctor to see what may be causing it. This can help give you peace of mind and you may get some helpful suggestions from your doctor. Whether your sweating at night is genetic or caused by a trigger there are a few different things you can do to get some relief from these uncomfortable and disruptive sweats.

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