Help For Night Sweats

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Night Sweats In Men

While menopause symptoms have been covered extensively because so many women experience this phenomenon, we shouldn’t ignore night sweats in men as this is a fairly common problem for men as well. There are a number of reasons why the sweating men experience is difficult to pinpoint, some of them universal and some specific to men.

The first cause of night sweats in men we’ll discuss is andropause. Yes, andropause. It does exist. Well, at least more and more people are beginning to think so. Just as women experience a reduction in their production of certain hormones during menopause, many feel that men experience a reduction in testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone during an andropause phase.

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Night Sweats And Alcohol

In some cases the night sweats alcohol causes may be a minor occurrence. You have a couple glasses of beer or wine and go to sleep before you can work it out of your system. But I worry that in many cases where this occurs there is more to the story. Alcoholism is serious and often underestimated.

Some suggest the sweating is simply your body attempting to eliminate the toxins through your pores while others belief the alcohol may be causing your hypothalamus — your brain’s thermostat for your body — to feel a little drunk in its own right. Physiologically a chain reaction of events is triggered within the body after alcohol consumption. Understanding this chain of events may make you think differently about overdoing it too often.

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Night Sweats Treatment

If you suffer from night sweats on a regular basis you know how disruptive it can be to your sleep; finding a treatment can mean finally getting decent sleep and getting back to feeling like yourself. As you are searching for an effective treatment sometimes it is best to start with some simple, common sense solutions then work your way up to the more specialized treatment options. Blending a few different treatment ideas may end up giving you the best relief.

For many people changing the temperature, bedding or pajamas can help, but it isn’t enough. In this case you may want to try some of these other night sweats treatments. Watching what you eat, when you eat and when you exercise can help, but using some of these other options may help provide more immediate relief when you start sweating while sleeping at night.

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Night Sweats In Men Over 50

When you begin isolating night sweats in men over 50 from those that may occur at any other age, you may want to start by looking into the possibility of andropause. Because the medical community still hasn’t agreed on whether or not this condition really exists much less how to diagnose it, andropause still isn’t at the front of many minds as a possible cause of night sweats.

In addition, you have to face the reality of aging. Certain conditions become more likely as we age, so we have to consider our greater susceptibility to these conditions as we grow… wiser. Menopause night sweats are covered far more often, but the sweating men may endure as a result of aging also need to be considered.

Read on to learn how to isolate, identify and treat sweating while sleeping as it occurs in men with a wiser perspective.

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Night Sweats In Men Under 30

Delineating the difference between night sweats in men under 30 and those that occur in men of any age can be a little tricky. For this article, I tried to isolate and focus on causes most likely to be somewhat unique to the age group. I urge you to consider the whole spectrum of possibilities before making any assumptions.

As is often the case with night sweats, either in women or in men, we still have to look at common variables like medications, stress, diet and exercise as a means to deduce the source of your difficulty. But there are some other potential causes that are a bit more exclusive to this age group. While you may not be able to identify and diagnose the source right away, you still need to try to get a good night’s rest as soon as you can. Without good sleep, your problems may just snowball and make it even more difficult to isolate your symptoms in manageable manner.

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