Help For Night Sweats

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Night Sweats in Women Under 40

There are many possible causes of night sweats in women under 40 ranging from medical to lifestyle or environmental causes. Because night sweats in younger women is less common than it is for women transitioning to menopause it is often concerning, but don’t over worry about possible medical conditions until you rule out other possible causes first.

It is important to talk to your doctor if you are concerned about a medical condition or if you are experiencing other symptoms along with the sweating. In the meantime here are some of the more common causes as well as recommendations for things you can do on your own to get some relief and start sleeping better again.

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Menopause Night Sweats Treatment

You’ll know it’s time to look for menopause night sweats treatment when the bedding, you and your night clothes so wet from menopause night sweats that trying to go back to sleep will be impossible, or will getting up and changing the sheets and your clothes so wake you up that you won’t be able to go back to sleep anyway. It can be very frustrating and it certainly is a reasonable motivation for seeking an effective treatment.

One of the most common symptoms of menopause is hot flashes. Hot flashes can occur at any time and are caused by the changes in the bodies hormone production. Hot flashes will typically make you feel hot, which can be fairly mild, to actually becoming hot and sweaty. You might feel the need to take off a layer of clothing, even when everyone else around you is completely comfortable. Most of the time, hot flashes are short in duration, lasting only a few minutes. However, they can last for as much as 30 minutes. When hot flashes occur at night, it leads to night sweats. The combination of the hot flash with covered with both pajamas and bedding leads to sweating while sleeping.

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Cold Night Sweats

There are a few possible causes of cold sweats at night. Anxiety, fear or stress can cause cold night sweats, as well as pain from injuries or medical problems (heart attack), severe shortness of breath or low blood glucose levels (hypoglycemia). Having a nightmare can also cause this symptom. In most cases they aren’t caused by a serious medical condition but because they can be a sign of something more serious, even a heart attack, it is important to pay attention to them, and to notice if you are experiencing any other symptoms along with the sweating.

The reason they are called cold sweats is because the hypothalamus – our body’s internal thermostat — uses perspiration with other biological mechanisms to help cool the body when it feels it is overheated. Because body temperature drops while you are sweating, you may feel chills during or after sweating. Sometimes internal or external variables can confuse the hypothalamus causing it to trigger those biological mechanisms that cause sudden sweating even when it isn’t really necessary.

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Low Estrogen Symptoms

More times than not low estrogen symptoms are associated with menopause, but there are other reasons for these symptoms. Women under 40 who aren’t yet going through menopause can also experience symptoms of low estrogen.

Lower levels of estrogen are a usually sign of changes in the body or of a possible health condition. It is important to understand the side-effects or consequences of a decreased estrogen levels so you can take actions to counteract this trigger of night sweats in women. Estrogen is responsible for more than female characteristics and fertility; it also plays in important role in bone health.

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