Help For Night Sweats

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Menopause Night Sweats

Menopause night sweats are exactly what they sound like: excessive sweating in the night as a result of menopause hot flashes that occur when you’re asleep. They are the most well-known cause of night sweats in women. While I know some women who celebrate the natural passing of their menstrual cycle, I also know we all must face the consequences of these changes in our bodies, and quite often, they’re just not any fun.

However, when you decide to address causes of excessive sweating, I suggest seeing a medical professional for advice. While your sweating while sleeping is most likely nothing to be too concerned about, it is still a good idea to have your doctor evaluate you to be certain nothing more serious is occurring within your body. Sometimes simply changing your medication regiment can provide you significant relief, and other times an underlying condition may need to be addressed.

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Low Estrogen Symptoms

More times than not low estrogen symptoms are associated with menopause, but there are other reasons for these symptoms. Women under 40 who aren’t yet going through menopause can also experience symptoms of low estrogen.

Lower levels of estrogen are a usually sign of changes in the body or of a possible health condition. It is important to understand the side-effects or consequences of a decreased estrogen levels so you can take actions to counteract this trigger of night sweats in women. Estrogen is responsible for more than female characteristics and fertility; it also plays in important role in bone health.

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Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

If you suffer from night sweats and hot flashes you’re definitely not alone. These types of flushes and sweats are caused by the natural fluctuation of hormones during this period of transition out of child bearing years and into a new phase of life, but this can also occur when a woman weans off of HRT (hormone replacement therapy). In both instances the symptoms are caused by a change in hormone levels.

While it may be difficult to completely avoid these hot flushes and sweating at night, you may be able to reduce the number and severity of them if you can identify certain triggers and reduce these triggers. Besides reducing triggers there are a few things you can do to reduce this uncomfortable sweating. Before you try hormone replacement therapy you may want to try some of these simple treatments that don’t have side effects.

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